I Pogrom: fonti e studi

L'antisemitismo a Kiev fra il 1905 e il 1915 - L'analisi di Jack Beatty

Jack Beatty, The lost history of 1914: Reconsidering the years of the Great War, Walker & Company Edition, 2012

<<Kiev was the scene of a gruesome 1905 pogrom, "an orgy of looting, rapine and murder." Kiev would be the site of the medieval 1913 trial of Mendel Beilis, a Jewish clerk falsely accused of the ritual murder of a Christian boy in headlines like THE DRINKER OF CHRISTIAN BLOOD. Jews lived in dread in Kiev, the birthplace of Russian Christianity. With rumors spreading that Stolypin's assailant, D.G. Bogrov, a student revolutionary turned police informer turned terrorist, was a Jew, Kiev officials warned Kokovtsov that "the people ... were preparing a tremendous Jewish pogrom" and that, since the local detachement of troops was away on maneuvers noting could stop it. Panic broke out in the Jewish neighborhoods.>> (pagg. 55-56)

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L'antisemitismo a Chisinau (Kishinev) fra il 1903 e il 1905 - L'analisi di Edward H. Judge

Edward H. Judge, Eater in Kishinev: Anatomy of pogrom, New York: New York University Press, 1993

<<Among the issues facing the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century, the "Jewish question" occupied an inordinate place of prominence. The empire's five million Jews, living most in the western border provinces, attracted attention and aroused concerns that were far out of proportion to their number, wealth or influence. The Jews were target of suspicion, of legal restriction and political persecution, of hatred and envy.>> (Cap. I, pag. 1)

<<The Kishinev pogrom began on Easter Sunday and lasted two full days. (...) At first their attacks were directed mostly against property but, as time went on, they became emboldened by the inactivity of the local police and began making brutal and murderous attacks against the Jewish people themselves. Not until late afternoon of the second day did the authorities take effective measures to quell the disorders, using soldiers from the local garrison. By that time, an appalling amount of damage and bloodshed had occurred.>> (Cap. IV, pag. 49)

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